We are work­ing on 24-hour divide into three shifts. Our shift­ing time is start from 7.00am to 3.00pm (Morn­ing shift), 3.00pm to 11.00pm (Evening shift) and 11.00pm to 7.00am (night shift). Every shift has a ded­i­cat­ed Pro­duc­tion Man­ag­er to ensure pro­duc­tion qual­i­ty and look after any prob­lem of pro­duc­tion relat­ed. Every shift has ded­i­cat­ed team leader for each and every client to meet the client require­ment. They are spe­cial­ly trained up there team for the spe­cif­ic client. Clip­ping snap has ded­i­cat­ed qual­i­ty con­troller to check the qual­i­ty of the job. Every shift we have 30+ ded­i­cat­ed design­er to per­form your job.

Clip­ping Snap offer­ing 4 step qual­i­ty con­trol ser­vice. First­ly when a graph­ic design­er work on an image he checks the job and put it in the job done fold­er and then qual­i­ty con­troller check it after that team leader check the images and final­ly the pro­duc­tion man­ag­er check full order then we upload your job as a final job. So we think it will be great for your out­sourc­ing experience.
