What is Clip­ping Path?

To iso­late the back­ground of a pic­ture the main thing used are clip­ping paths. It also used to change an image into any shapes and it makes the masked por­tions trans­par­ent or to any col­or back­ground by requirements.

What are the work­ing hours?

We’re pre­pared to pro­vide you with the off­shore pro­duc­tion ser­vice 24/7. It’s guar­an­teed that your jobs will nev­er be held up.

How would you pay us?

You can pay us via Pay­Pal or bank check. After we accept your order, we’ll give you an invoice dis­cussing every piece of infor­ma­tion. Click on pay us via Pay­Pal, which can redi­rect you the Pay­Pal website.

What’s the pay­ment cycle you accept?

Many of our reg­u­lar clients pay us week­ly or every month. We would like to build up long-time rela­tion with our clients. We’ll process the infor­ma­tion and send you an invoice for each order accepted.

What’s the min­i­mum quan­ti­ty of images that you take order?

It does can be one-two-five-ten or thou­sand images; we appre­ci­ate and val­ue your busi­ness with us. Feel free to start busi­ness with us, no mat­ter the quan­ti­ty is.

Can I get a free tri­al?

Yes! We’re first two images absolute­ly free of charge so that you can check the qual­i­ty of our job. Please vis­it our free tri­al page for more.

What should be the max­i­mum size for uploaded image?

You can take unlim­it­ed space using the FTP serv­er. Size of each image shouldn’t be greater than 64 MB.

What are the file types/formats you accept?

You can send us images in for­mat depend­ing on your con­ve­nience. It’s absolute­ly your choice and we’ve no issue with it.

What will be the for­mat of the com­plet­ed files?

It’s depend­ing on your require­ments. We can deliv­er the work in any for­mat. We’ll Sup­ply you the same for­mat unless you ask for any spe­cif­ic for­mat. Sim­ply tell us your required for­mat and it won’t be a big deal.

Will you use my files in any com­mer­cial pur­pos­es?

Nev­er we will use your images and any files you share with us.

Are the images secured in your hand?s

Don’t be afraid! Every sin­gle thing hap­pens between we and you is very much secure. No pos­si­bil­i­ty that, we’ll dis­close the images to any­one. All of our stuff sign non-dis­clo­sure con­tract. We have out­stand­ing secu­ri­ty mea­sures to pro­tect our pc from mal­ware as well as viruses.

What’s about the secu­ri­ty of the FTP serv­er?

We build unique FTP account for every sin­gle buy­er and user­names and pass­words secured to ensure max­i­mum lev­el of security.

Can you change the image back­ground?

Yes, indeed. In fact, it’s one of the tasks we’re high­ly skilled at. We’ll deep etch the images and then change the back­ground and send the work back to you.

How do you promise 100% accu­rate­ness?

All of the Clip­ping Snap (CS) staff is of hands on expe­ri­ence. They’re real­ly good at what they do. Every sin­gle task is three times checked before get­ting it done.

What will you do if I’m not sat­is­fied with your work?

Most of our reg­u­lar buy­ers pay us week­ly or every month. We would like to estab­lish long-time rela­tion­ship with our clients. We’ll process the infor­ma­tion and send you an invoice for each order accepted.