ZigaForm version 7.4.9


Beau­ty & cos­met­ic prod­ucts just don’t look attrac­tive in their orig­i­nal form. This includes such things as retouch­ing to get rid of use marks, light alter­ation (to make colours more accu­rate), and detail boost­ing tex­tures & fin­ish­es. Most time edi­tors take away dis­trac­tions, crisp up the prod­uct lines and cre­ate clean back­grounds so that we can visu­al­ly high­light a prod­ucts. Col­or cor­rec­tion and dig­i­tal enhance­ments are a few of the advanced tools that can be used to show off prod­ucts in an allur­ing man­ner on e‑commerce plat­forms, ads as well as social media. A pro­fes­sion­al pho­to edit­ing not just enhances your prod­uct in visu­al terms but also strength­ens the brand image and cre­ates an engag­ing atmos­phere for poten­tial customers.

Beauty/Cosmetic Product: Basic Editing

Basic Beauty/Cosmetic Prod­uct Image Edit­ing Ser­vices — to clean your prod­uct images, make them look attrac­tive so you can nice­ly dis­play it.

  1. Back­ground Removal: Trim your prod­uct with­out any mix of odd or annoy­ing back­ground nois­es by giv­ing it a clean and neat appearance.
  2. Shad­ow Effect: Apply lit­tle shad­ows to show prod­uct like the three dimen­sions realistic.
  3. Col­or Cor­rec­tion: It is impor­tant your prod­uct  col­ors are accu­rate and con­sis­tent across all images and platforms.
  4. Dust and Spot Removal:  Remove dust, spots, minor defects from prod­ucts sur­face to pro­vide per­fect­ly clean image
  5. Crop­ping and Resiz­ing: Crop to focus on the prod­uct and resize accord­ing to whether it will be used online or printed.
  6. Posi­tion­ing: Fit the prod­uct per­fect­ly into the frame, ensur­ing it is well-cen­tered for bet­ter visu­al appeal.

Inex­pen­sive edit­ing ser­vices for neat & clean, per­fect beau­ty images and cos­met­ic prod­ucts pre­sen­ta­tion, whether for e‑commerce or print.

 Beauty/Cosmetic Product: Advanced Editing

It is struc­tured in a way that will enhance the beau­ty of your prod­ucts and help con­vert poten­tial buy­ers to actu­al customers.

  1. High-Def­i­n­i­tion Back­ground Removal: Remove back­grounds pix­el-per­fect, ensur­ing every ele­ment of the prod­uct is well defined.
  2. Advanced Shad­ows and Reflec­tion Cre­ation: These are nat­ur­al shad­ows and reflec­tions that help in the 3D look of the prod­uct to give it a real­is­tic touch.
  3. Change Col­or and Match­ing: Change col­ors while retain­ing the iden­ti­cal appear­ance of your beau­ty prod­uct across all photographs.
  4. Pack­ag­ing Retouch­ing: Smooth over any marks, scratch­es, or blem­ish­es on the pack­ag­ing to present a flaw­less appearance.
  5. Label and Text Read­abil­i­ty: Make labels sharp­er and text more leg­i­ble, even at close range.
  6. Tex­ture & Gloss Enhance­ment: Enhance the tex­ture and gloss of the prod­uct to give it a rich, lux­u­ri­ous feel.
  7. High-Res­o­lu­tion Detail­ing: Many close-ups and high-end adver­tis­ing deliv­er­ables need detailed retouching.

They all offer high-lev­el edit­ing work that will make your beau­ty and cos­met­ic prod­uct pic­tures perfect—professional, refined, and marketable.