ZigaForm version 7.4.9

Clothing Image Editing

Explore the qual­i­ty of our Cloth­ing Image Enhance­ment Ser­vices, where we pay atten­tion to every detail to make your prod­ucts look incred­i­bly appeal­ing. We expert­ly improve your cloth­ing pho­tos by enhanc­ing col­ors elim­i­nat­ing dis­trac­tions and ensur­ing a touch while main­tain­ing the nat­ur­al charm of the fab­ric. Our method is designed to show­case the fea­tures of your appar­el whether its, for shops, cat­a­logs or pro­mo­tion­al pur­pos­es. Rely on our team to pro­vide notch beau­ti­ful­ly retouched images that reflect your brands essence and leave a mem­o­rable impact on your clientele.

Basic Clothing Retouch

Trans­form the impact of your cloth­ing pic­tures with our Basic Cloth­ing Edit­ing Ser­vices. We con­cen­trate on enhance­ments that show­case the excel­lence of your attire guar­an­tee­ing they are cam­era ready, for shops, cat­a­logs or mar­ket­ing mate­ri­als. Our method is straight­for­ward yet impact­ful deliv­er­ing pro­fes­sion­al out­comes that empha­size the fea­tures of your merchandise.

  1. Back­ground Removal: We skill­ful­ly elim­i­nate back­grounds to cre­ate a clut­ter image allow­ing your cloth­ing pieces to take stage.
  2. Shad­ow Cre­ation: By incor­po­rat­ing shad­ows we add depth and real­ism to your appar­el mak­ing them look more organ­ic and inviting.
  3. Cropping/Resizing: We accu­rate­ly. Resize your visu­als to suit your require­ments ensur­ing they are suit­able for any plat­form or format.
  4. Align­ment: Our team fine tunes the place­ment of your cloth­ing items, for a visu­al­ly appeal­ing appear­ance that cap­ti­vates viewers.

Professional Clothing Retouch

Our pho­to edit­ing ser­vices specif­i­cal­ly cater to pro­vid­ing a pro­fes­sion­al, high-end look for your fash­ion images, enhanc­ing your brand in all pos­si­ble ways. We put delib­er­ate effort into each image we work on to make sure that your cloth­ing items are pre­sent­ed in the best way pos­si­ble, usable for e‑commerce, cat­a­logs, and mar­ket­ing materials.

  1. Back­ground Remov­ing: We will elim­i­nate unde­sired back­grounds from your images so that your out­fits will shine and grasp the atten­tion they deserve.
  2. Cre­at­ing a shad­ow: We give your prod­uct a real­is­tic shad­ow, which adds depth and brings the prod­uct to life, mak­ing it more appeal­ing to consumers.
  3. Ghost Man­nequin Effect: We, there­fore, cre­ate a ghost man­nequin effect that is flaw­less in rep­re­sent­ing the aes­thet­ics of your cloth­ing, free of distortions.
  4. Crop/Resizing: All your images are cropped and resized, just as they should be, to fit any par­tic­u­lar plat­form or medi­um and are retained for the deliv­ery of con­sis­tent visu­al content.
  5. Posi­tion­ing: We care­ful­ly posi­tion the gar­ments such that there is per­fect equi­lib­ri­um in the pre­sen­ta­tion, and the best fea­tures of the prod­ucts are accentuated.

Advanced Clothing Retouch

Take your fash­ion images to the next lev­el with our Advanced Gar­ment Edit­ing Ser­vices, which let your gar­ments speak with pre­ci­sion and style. We focus on pro­vid­ing high-qual­i­ty edits that can reveal the best in your prod­ucts to make them look flaw­less and ready for any platform.

  1. Back­ground Removal: We pro­fes­sion­al­ly remove back­grounds so your gar­ments pop right out. We cre­ate a clean and pro­fes­sion­al look for any garment.
  2. Shad­ow Cre­ation: Real­is­tic shad­ows are cre­at­ed in order to give depth and a real­is­tic look to your gar­ments for max­i­mum appeal.
  3. Ghost Man­nequin Effect: Our ghost man­nequin effect does not allow the eyes to dis­turb the fit and form of your gar­ments, hence giv­ing a smooth presentation.
  4. Wrin­kle removal: We iron out wrin­kles and creas­es and have them smooth to just the right fit for per­fect wear­ing of your apparel.
  5. Crop/Resizing: Accu­rate crop­ping and resiz­ing for per­fect opti­miza­tion of your images on any plat­form or medium.
  6. Posi­tion­ing: We posi­tion gar­ments in a bal­anced and effec­tive way to present the gar­ment in the best pos­si­ble light.

Clothing Retouch with model image

Elev­ate your fash­ion imagery with our Cloth­ing Edit­ing Ser­vices with Mod­el Images. Our expert team ensures your mod­el images look flaw­less, high­light­ing your gar­ments in the best light.

  1. Mod­el Back­ground Removal: Clean­ly remove back­grounds from mod­el images to focus sole­ly on the cloth­ing and its fit.
  2. Basic Skin Retouch: Enhance the model’s skin with sub­tle retouch­ing for a pol­ished yet nat­ur­al look.
  3. Cloth Dust and Scratch Retouch: Remove dust, scratch­es, and minor imper­fec­tions from the cloth­ing for a pris­tine appearance.
  4. Liq­ue­fy Dress: Adjust and shape the dress using liq­ue­fy tools to enhance its fit and form.
  5. Wrin­kle Removal: Smooth out wrin­kles and creas­es to present your gar­ments as per­fect­ly tailored.
  6. Crop­ping Mod­el Image: Pre­cise­ly crop the mod­el images for a clean, pro­fes­sion­al presentation.
  7. Posi­tion­ing Mod­el Image: Adjust the posi­tion­ing of the mod­el to achieve a bal­anced and visu­al­ly appeal­ing composition.

Clothing Color Change

Trans­form your gar­ment images with our Cloth­ing Image Col­or Change Ser­vices. We offer a spe­cial­ized solu­tion to update or mod­i­fy the col­ors of your cloth­ing items, ensur­ing they align per­fect­ly with your brand­ing or sea­son­al col­lec­tions. Our skilled team uses advanced tech­niques to accu­rate­ly alter col­ors while pre­serv­ing the garment’s tex­ture and details. Whether you need to adjust hues to match new trends, cre­ate vari­a­tions for dif­fer­ent col­or options, or sim­ply refresh your prod­uct images, we han­dle each project with pre­ci­sion. Our ser­vice includes metic­u­lous col­or cor­rec­tion and adjust­ment, ensur­ing vibrant, true-to-life col­ors that enhance your pro­duc­t’s appeal. By pro­vid­ing high-qual­i­ty col­or changes, we help you main­tain a cohe­sive and attrac­tive visu­al pre­sen­ta­tion for your online store, cat­a­log, or mar­ket­ing mate­ri­als. Expe­ri­ence the ease and effec­tive­ness of our col­or change ser­vices to make your cloth­ing stand out.